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Session 2 Day 3


First day in tall gates! The coaches have been loving to set a hop-turn box at the top of our lane every day. Today’s record was 51… the next highest was around 30. Someone’s been putting in the work! We had another stubby course set to warmup, but then we got to go straight into three sections of gates! The coaches split them nicely, which allowed for us to gradually become more comfortable on each run. We got in some great video, and everyone’s skiing has been benefiting from our film. For dry lands, we got to play speedball! It got very competitive and Sean showed us a side of him we’ve never seen before… the Austrian can do it all! His team ultimately took the win over Conor’s, in a 3-1 defeat which was then followed by another DQ run. Dinner was at the coaches condo, and the Walker family made an amazing barbecue dinner for the team. We had burgers, salad (such a good one), and mac n cheese. We also got to watch the WC finals and loved watching AJ Ginnis hold first for a while. Video with Conor went on for quite a while, but we all think it’s worth it. He did such a good job of breaking down each run and providing constructive criticism while we ate homemade rice crispy treats for desert!

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