Hilltop Alpine Race Team (HART), is a volunteer-run, non-profit organization dedicated to enriching the lives of youth by teaching and sharing the joys of ski racing. HART's mission is to increase accessibility to the sport. We enable our athletes to achieve their individual athletic potential while maintaining high academic standards and adhering to core values. Each club participant’s success is measured through the pursuit of individual athletic, character and social development, while organizational success is measured through financial stability, engaged families and a positive impact in the community.
HART instills a culture and philosophy of character development and sport development that our families, athletes, stakeholders, and community are proud to support. This culture is based on state-of -the-art training systems, core values, accessibility and diversity.
Meet the people that make the Hilltop Alpine Race Team power down the mountain.

John DeHaven
Likes about skiing:
Been skiing for:

Ryan Stanley
Likes about skiing: Ageless Anyone can ski together
Been skiing for: 41 years
Fun fact: Loves Houndogs

Aven Elsberg
Likes about skiing: Loves the chairlift rides up and the free ride down
Been skiing for: 17 years
Fun fact: I ride bikes

Avery Collin
Likes about skiing: Loves the chairlift rides up and the free ride down
Been skiing for: 14 years
Fun fact: Likes traveling

Clara McKay
Likes about skiing: The community within itself
Been skiing for: 9 years
Fun fact: She has two cats
(arti and max)

Coleman Cutchins
Likes about skiing: Loves the fun that comes with skiing
Been skiing for: 44 years

Gabi Wimberger
Likes about skiing: The joy it brings to me!
Been skiing for: 13 years
Fun fact: Love to travel to Seattle

Gillian Delgado
Likes about skiing: Loves the unlimited fashion
Been skiing for: 12 years
Fun fact: Has a puffy addiction

Grady Cutchins
Likes about skiing: Likes the feeling of being natural and flowing with the snow
Been skiing for: 16 years
Fun fact: He loves KitKats

Kari Sharp
Likes about skiing: Cutting ski lift lines because of her coaching badge
Been skiing for: 45 years
Fun fact: Can wiggle ears

Kevin Trinka
Likes about skiing: Enjoys the social aspect of skiing
Been skiing for: 34 years
Fun fact: Likes to travel

Lauren Johnson
Likes about skiing: Making memories with friends
Been skiing for: 13 years
Fun fact: Been to Maccu Piccu

Lucy Allen
Likes about skiing: Exploring different resorts and how different they can all be
Been skiing for: 14 years
Fun fact: Has been to 14 countries

Ridge Buckmaster
Likes about skiing: How good it feels to ski and to hang out with friends
Been skiing for: 4 years
Fun fact: I like cars

Riley Poray
Likes about skiing: Lives for powder days
Been skiing for: 12 years
Fun fact: Middle name is danger

Rob Roys
Likes about skiing:The freedom that comes with skiing
Been skiing for: 15 years
Fun fact: Grew up in Alabama

Ryder Deschamps
Likes about skiing: Loves how fun it is every time no matter what the conditions are
Been skiing for: 10 years
Fun fact: Loves chicken strips

Rye Petter
Likes about skiing: Learning how to backcountry ski and all that comes with it
Been skiing for: 14 years
Fun fact: Been on overnight ski trips

Tony Weaver
Likes about skiing: Keeps him forever young. Loves skiing and teaching the next generation of super stars
Been skiing for: 50+ years

Wayland Roys
Likes about skiing: Loves how she has become a good skier!
Been skiing for: 12 years
Fun fact: Is an artist